My Microsoft account is locked

It happens to all of us. We mistakenly type the wrong password multiple times, or our CapsLock is on and we don't realize it, and suddenly we're locked out of our account. Luckily, there are a couple of ways to remedy this issue.

The first is simply to wait 15 minutes for the account to unlock on its own. No matter what, being locked out is not forever, and is actually a way to deter brute force attacks on your account. The 15 minute time limit slows down would-be attackers from trying every password known to humankind every couple of seconds.

However, being able to access your account is important, and in some cases can be time-sensitive. The second thing you can do to unlock your account is access the password reset link and follow the prompts to unlock your account. When you click on the link, and enter your account, you'll be asked what to do.

Select the option that says "I know my password, but still can't sign in" to keep your password and unlock your account. After you finish following the prompts, your account should be unlocked! If you are still unable to get into your account, submitting a ticket to IT is the next best step.

These are two easy ways of getting back into your account without needing to reset your password. However, if you've completely forgotten your password, then you will want to follow the steps to reset your password in our article: How can I change my Microsoft password