My in car camera is not uploading

There are many possible reasons why the in car system is not uploading videos, some of which may need IT intervention and others which haven't been encountered before. To determine if you need IT assistance, verify the following first before putting in a ticket:

  • You are parked outside of the Sally port on the south side near the dumpsters, or are parked outside of the north gate in the side parking lot;
  • Your MikroTik is showing as active (the gray cylinder near your DVR, typically in the trunk, has at least 1 green bar lit up)

If both conditions above are true, and your videos are still not uploading, or if only the second condition is false, then you will need to put in a ticket. Possible causes for videos not uploading could be:

  • An incorrect configuration on the DVR;
  • An incorrect configuration on the MikroTik;
  • The MikroTik has gone bad (not showing any activity lights);
  • Connecting wires to the DVR and/or MikroTik have gone bad;
  • The transfer server (in very rare cases) needs to be restarted.

Additionally, allowing the DVR to restart can help resolve some issues. Most of the time this is automatically done when your shift is done, and your car is parked and turned off. Make sure to let IT know what troubleshooting you've attempted to do so that old ground isn't retreaded.

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Date added:
2024-03-26 09:47:00
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